Make Money Online

Best Performing Adsense Ad Blocks

Nowadays, more than 70% of webmasters are using Google Adsense program to make money through their websites. Today I’ll tell you about the best performing ads format.

Do you know which Adsense Ad block is most effective in getting Clicks?

Well, most of you would be thinking that 468 X 60 sized ad block is the best. But unfortunately you are wrong! Because according to the statistics this ad block is so common that most of us ignore it. We found this ad block on about 75-80% of sites.

What i found interesting with my experiments was that the square ad block is the most impressive and get the maximum of clicks on a blog or a website.This is because this Rectangle take a large vertical space, and if a visitor see your Ads then the chance he would click on the ads is near about 70%.

Google Adsense

The size of the best performing ad blocks you should try if you are a webmaster or blog owner :
1. 336 X 280 Large Rectangle ( My Recommendation)
2. 300 X 250 Rectangle ( My Recommendation)
3. And don’t forget to use some skyscrapers on right or left side of your site.

And also don’t forget to promote referral product such as Google Apps etc.

Any other point of view ?

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  • Reply
    November 6, 2008 at 11:31

    It same like the Jonathan Leger experiment… 336 x 280 is best ads

    thanks for share your recomendation 😉

  • Reply
    November 12, 2008 at 07:52

    For me, top leaderboard is the best one for forums and skyscrapper for blogs.

  • Reply
    April 9, 2009 at 02:14

    Howdy. Great job. I did not expect read something this educational here. This is a great account. Thanks!

  • Reply
    July 7, 2009 at 17:13

    Arggg… I really don’t get what you mean with your last sentence…

    • Reply
      July 7, 2009 at 23:40

      Well, my last sentence means if you have another experience with Adsense ads format.. If you think that the ads formats that i mentioned does not work well for you and you have another point of view about this. I hope that it’s clear right now 😀

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