Many people scavenge the web all day looking for legit ways they can actually make money online. They hear of so many success stories of people making all this money on the internet and they want in on it. Because they are eager to make money on the internet they are easy prey to scammers.
So lets set the record straight once and for all. You CANNOT make money mailing letters, taking surveys or by any other get rich scheme you see online all the time. If you want to make money online you have to create opportunities for yourself. All those people who you hear about how they were successful in generating an extra income online were able to do so by creating their own opportunities.
How do you create your own opportunities. Well what do you do best? Can you cook? Are you a good writer? Are you good at programming and build websites? Are you a great dancer? You have to use your talents. Here are some ways you can make money online if you are talents are:
Writing Skills
If you are a good writer you can make money online by writing short stories, writing articles for websites. You can create your own ebook and sell it. You can start you own naming service and give names to businesses and domain names. You can write papers for college students. You can write songs.
Designer Pro
Are you good at designing websites? If so then you are really needed. Many people want websites and you can design them. You can even create your own website and sell things from it.
Are you good at listening to people ?
Did you know that you can get paid to give professional advice? I know someone who charges 20.00 a minute to listen to people problems on the web. They can either call you or you can chat online with them.
Do you like playing games ?
Are you good at poker ? You can make money online too. If you are really good at playing poker you can make money gambling online. Some online professional gamblers have made thousands in one week.
Do you have extra money to invest ?
You can invest in online stocks or you can even pay someone to design you a social network website and get someone to advertise it and you can actually make some really money.
Are you good at promoting and selling things ?
Then you can become an affiliate marketer and work selling other people products online. Or you can become an online advertiser and work promoting and advertising other people’s websites, services and products.
The sky is the limit. The internet is a gold mine, you just have to be creative and step outside the box. You can definitely make really money online.
J Davidson
September 14, 2008 at 10:45Nice little article that.
Followed your blog link from DP.
Didnt know about the “professional advice” – 20.00 per minute?
If you get the chance then you should email me a link to a site that provides such a service!
Good article.
October 4, 2008 at 04:34Thank you J Davidson, I will provide you the link as soon as possible but I have to know in what type or field are you interested in.
Thomas Money
April 22, 2009 at 07:36Hello Guru, what entice you to post an article. This article was extremely interesting, especially since I was searching for thoughts on this subject last Thursday.