Many bloggers and webmasters simply overlook article marketing as a way to promote their sites. If you want to make money online, this is an outstanding method to get you moving in the right way. Every blogger who wants to make money online have to write some good articles on their niche and submit them to the top best article directories. This will not only help you with your traffic, it could prove to be a good way to get quality backlinks pointing to your blog, and lots of them, if you write an informative article. Many webmasters only use content that comes from such article directories which must be used with your bio or resource box included, giving you all those free backlinks.
Bloggers must look at writing an article to be submitted at an article directory as a way to build many backlinks at once and not just as a way to get a few visitors to your web site. These are the best kind of links to have, they come from many different websites and will help to push your blog to the front page of Google for your targeted keywords.
I’ll bet you’ve already thought of a quality informational article you could write up in just a few minutes that would keep giving you links for many months to come, so what are you waiting for? Get out there and start submitting your articles to article directories, you will find that the bloggers who currently make money online, and lots of it, are all expert authors at the top article directories.
Antoine David
November 16, 2009 at 10:13Hey, I wanted to tell you thanks for posting this and also I wanted to tell you that for some reason, I am unable to get your site to work right in IE8. However, if I switch over to Firefox which I don’t normally use, everything seems to work ok. It might be a problem with one of the plugins you use, or maybe it’s something wrong on my end.
November 16, 2009 at 11:24Hi,
Thanks for letting me know but I just tested the site with many different browsers including IE8 and it looks like that everything work fine, you may have a problem on your end.