Blogging Make Money Online

How to Monetize Blog Feeds

If you are wondering how exactly can you earn from your blog feeds which mostly does not help you in anyway in terms of earning from it. Apart from retaining readers, blog readers through feeds, it did not have much benefit in terms of earning when it comes to blog feeds.

In actuality you can earn well from the blog feeds. There are various ways in which you can monetize your blog feeds, which will be discussed here in this article.

Adding Affiliate Links

You can add in your own affiliate links at the end of each of your feeds. Almost all blog service either hosted on your own domain with WordPress or free blog platforms offer this option of adding it and hence you can utilize to gain from it by adding your affiliate links. But remember to add in only related affiliate links to that of your blog’s niche, else you might end up losing your subscriber base.

Selling Ad Links on Feeds

You can actually sell text links for feeds. You can either auction out or sell your text link space for each feed that you send out. But this will work out only if you have a very huge subscriber base for your blogs. You can earn a substantial amount of income through this approach if you have a very good number of readers of your blog feeds. This approach has been practiced by many top bloggers across.

With this method you don’t really have to depend on any ad networks to help monetize your feeds. And you get paid in advance without having to wait for the sales or leads generated as in the case of using affiliate links for feeds. With the increasing subscriber base you can actually increase your ad rates. But limit your ads to a bare minimum to avoid losing the subscribers.

Adding PPC Ads

This is the latest way to monetize your blog feeds. With this method you either have to be having an account with any of the popular PPC networks or will need to sign up to reap benefit from it. You can easily add in the PPC ads to your blog feeds, if your PPC Network offers this option. Some of the popular PPC networks, which offer this service, are Bidvertiser and Google Adsense.


Bidvertiser was the early starter when it comes to PPC ads for feeds. Although their click through rates are less, but they can come in handy if you were either been banned or not approved from Google Adsense. The procedure to add Bidvertiser ads to your blog feeds is simple and self-explanatory once you sign up for the same.


Now, the latest entrant in this form of monetizing your blog feeds is Google Adsense. And this could be the best way to monetize your blog feeds than all the other options discussed above. But for this option to work you need to either have your blog feeds hosted through Feedburner or directly through Google in association with Feedburner.

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