Spending Less Money using Cash back Websites
Cash back websites are a great way to save money. They often offer the consumer a certain percentage of the money they have spent back or may give them a cash sum. The way they work can differ between sites but normally you visit the site and find the online shop that you wish to buy from. Enter that shop using the link they provide and when you purchase from them you will get a certain amount of money back in your account with the cash back company. This can vary from 1-20% or may be a lump sum of money as a one off payment. Offer the percentage cash backs are for retailers and the lump sums for gambling and financial institutions but this is not always the case. The cash back site will take some money for themselves as well, this may be a lump sum each year perhaps or some of the percentage that you have earned, but either way you will still get some money back that you would not normally have done. The more things that you buy online, the more you will gain with one of these cash back sites. They are certainly well worth investigating.
Spending Less in Supermarkets
It can be very easy to spend far too much money in the supermarket. The top tip is to write a list and stick to it. Resist buying anything that is not on it. If you only have a few things to buy then walk to the supermarket and use a basket, then you will only be able to buy what you can cope with carrying home. If your family always put unnecessary things in the shopping trolley or pester you to buy them toys and magazines, sweets and treats then do not take them shopping with you, it will save money and hassle! It might be better to shop online as if you cannot see the foods up close, handle them, smell them etc you may buy less. You will also see the cost adding up before your eyes as you select things and that may help you buy less. It is important to look at the prices of things and compare the prices between brands. Look at the price per unit or 100g to make a proper comparison and think about trying cheaper brands to compare the taste and quality as that could save a lot of money. Sometimes the supermarket brand can be three times cheaper than a branded item, that has got to be worth trying.
If you don’t earn 6 figures per year the only way for you to save money is by controlling your expenses and trying to get the most of your money.
June 5, 2010 at 20:02I agree that using cash back websites like FatWallet, AAfter Search, Bing, and ShopAtHome is a better option for saving money while shopping online. Nice article, anyway!
Roxie Beraun
June 9, 2010 at 17:31interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you
Luigi Fulk
June 21, 2010 at 19:54It was fascinating. You seem very expert in your field.
June 25, 2010 at 02:13Very good post. Hope to read even more great posts in the future.