
Mobile Computing and Data Communication

Mobile Computing

Mobile computing is a general term for describing one’s ability to use technology and facilitate them by providing a mobile with computer functions. It becomes an interesting subject to discuss because it provides interest surrounding pages. The announcement of new technology makes the people to go for mobile computing. The voice telecommunication was introduced by the mobile phones and it has been spread world wide like a virus and now they have introduced another type of communication known as data communication in mobile phones. This data communication is also called as mobile computing and it was introduced in early 80’s but it leads to a great drawback.

The mobile computing is termed as to describe the technologies that enables the people to access the network services in any place at any time. The information accessing through mobile device is avoided due to the lower bandwidth, addressing problem, poor security and poor connection maintenance. The principle of mobile computing is to send and receive the data through the cellular networks. Mobile computing has become very popular by involving new technology to the users. In this the data communication refers to the transferring of data through the existing communication channels. The word data includes the file transmission (FT), e-mail and fax and inter connection between wide-area-network (WAN). Data communication can be achieved using network cables such as PSTN, leased-lines and ISDN (integrated service data network).The mobile computers are characterized as ever-present computer and it is also used by the estate agents, in courts, companies etc.

Mobile Computing and Data Communication

Data communication is termed as transferring of data from the remote computers through the communication channel. This type of communication can be achieved by using packet switching, PSTN, leased-line, ISDN and ATM/relay. These networks are used to transfer the data, totally or partially as analog or digital signals using the technologies such as packet switching, circuit switching etc. The data communication is used to access the internet, World Wide Web (WWW) and to access the other libraries, banks, air tickets, reservation and so on.

Packets can be used to send the data from sender server to the receiver either in same path or in different path. Mobility communication greatly differs from mobility on data communication. A person who uses mobile phones can move around and can talk at the same time. The mobile computer can be carried over to any place and can send the data from any where, but once it is connected he/her should remain constant until exchanging data. If it is a voice communication the process of sending data is undetectable where as for data communication it is detectable but it cause delay while processing.

Limitations of Mobile Computing

The limitations are insufficient bandwidth, security standards, power consumption, transferring interface, potential health hazards and human interface wizards.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    June 24, 2008 at 07:06

    Good article…needs to be mobile to stay alive!

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