Paid membership sites are a great way to earn a solid income each month. The members are required to pay a monthly subscription every month, to get access to the private member’s area of the site which provides some specialized knowledge or advice, which is not otherwise available for free. The members can get articles, reports, E books, videos, software or may participate in seminars. The membership fee may vary and may be anything between $9 to $50 depending upon the services offered by the site.
Membership sites can be very lucrative. A low cost membership site with a membership fee of $9 per month and having 300 members can generate $2700 per month. With the availability of open source and low cost software, setting up a membership site is also not difficult.
How to set up a paid membership website
The most important step in setting up a paid membership site is to identify the market/niche. The market should be such where people spend money. Business, hobbies, pets, sports etc. are different areas where you can start your membership site. For example you can start a membership site for teaching online business or a sports like golf. After selecting the market you should do thorough research about it. You have to find out what information is available for free. Depending upon such research, you can draw up the outline of your site and what it can offer. To make your site successful, you must offer something unique to your members. You must offer something which is not available for free on the internet or anywhere else.
After setting up the site, the next important step is to find the prospects. This can be done by using various message boards and forums. There are separate threads in many forums where you can post your offers. You can send the offer to the members of your opt-in-list. There are other ways by which you can advertise your site.
Initially you have to work hard to start the project. But once the site starts running, you have to only maintain and update the site and money will start rolling in. To keep the membership exclusive, you can put a cap on the number of members.
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