
Strategies for Keeping your Job

After working ten years at a company, one of my friends, Jess lost her Job. She hadn’t done anything wrong. On the contrary, she was a good worker, but her company was cutting its workforce due to the economic crisis.

Workforce cutbacks are common in today’s economy. So how can you distinguish yourself and avoid losing your job? Career experts have developed these strategies for holding on to a job:

Make yourself noticeable

Being a good worker is sometimes less important than making sure that people know you’re a good worker. Volunteer for new responsibilities, push your ideas, and make sure everyone knows you.

Take classes

Learn everything that could help you do your job better. If the company buys new computers programs, learn how to use them. If learning more about marketing could help you, take a short course.

Keep up-to-date

Make sure you know about changes and new directions in the company. If you find out that sales is becoming the most important department, try making a move to sales.

Be positive

People who find things to complain about are a lot less popular than people who find things to praise. Having a good attitude is important.

Express yourself well

Having good ideas isn’t always enough. You need to be able to communicate them. Find ways to improve your speaking and writing skills.

Impress your superiors

You can make a positive impact on your boss by arriving early and working late. And you should always dress in a businesslike way, even if others dress casually.

In the end, it all come down to one basic strategy : Make yourself so valuable that the company won’t to lose you.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Zackary Girdley
    December 2, 2010 at 02:07

    Happy to see this, I am happy to find this good Name!

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