There are a number of people every day who dream of owning and operating a successful online business or website. The thought of being able to either work for themselves or to supplement their income with an online business is very enticing, though most don’t know exactly how much work it entails. Anyone looking to run their own web site has a certain amount of creativity and imagination already, they are just looking to unite those traits with abilities and knowledge and finally take the next step. Before the launch of any online business or web site, there is always a point where the one thing left to do is to get on with it. Sometimes though, that final step is a tough one to take.
There are a number of reasons that people use to hold themselves back from taking the next step. They may think that their web site is not exactly how they want it to be yet. They may think that there are other web sites out there that do what they want their site do and do it better. They may even think that the basic idea for their web site is no longer good enough. There can be a small piece of truth in any of these worries, but none of them are reasons to not proceed with the launch of a web site.
Whether a blogger or a web site owner is thinking about an initial launch of their web site, redesigning their web site, or giving their web site a complete overhaul, there will be times they come up with reasons not to do it. In the end, there are only two questions that a person in this situation should ask themselves.
Will it actually cost more in the end to not make the change or launch the site than it would to proceed?
When it comes down to it, what is the worst that can happen with proceeding with the planned launch or strategy?
These two questions are important because afterall, the only way anything good can happen is if the site is actually launched or the redesign actually happens. Anytime a proposed plan is sound and it is not acted upon, most likely the person delaying the plan is just leaving money on the table. When a good plan has been thought of and prepared, there is truly no reason to delay proceeding with it.
1 Comment
Rob the eCommerce guy
September 1, 2008 at 19:27Interesting stuff, definetlly worth reading.Keep up the good work!/Rob