Getting traffic to come to your blog is only half the battle. A great many people decide shortly after visiting a website or blog whether they will stay on the site any longer. Often after reading the information that may have brought them to the site they will think there is no reason to stay any longer and will decide to look elsewhere for related information. What you need is a simple way to make these people want to stay on your blog for a little while longer. The longer someone stays on your blog and the better chance that they will click on one of your ads or become a customer of yours.
How to keep people longer on your blog ?
One of the easiest ways to get people to stay on your blog longer is by activating and running a related posts plugin. A related posts plugin is a way of having the titles of other blog posts that are related to what the visitor is already reading listed adjacent to that text. This gives the reader an easy way to click on further information that is related to the post that they are already reading. This is most likely information that they came to the site to find out in the first place, so it really is a case of giving the reader exactly what they are looking for.
By presenting the visitor to the blog with an easy way that they can find out more information on a subject they are already interested in, you are giving them a reason to stay on your blog longer. This serves two purposes really, while you are giving them a bigger opportunity to become your customer and possibly click on some ads that may benefit you financially, you are also providing them a service by giving them more information on a topic they are already interested in and researching at that very moment.
There are many effective ways to both attract people to a blog and then once they are there to keep them there longer, from writing great content to providing an opportunity for socializing, but one of the easiest and quickest ways is by installing and activating a related posts plugin on the site. In general, here are not a lot of quick and easy ways to keep people on your blog’s site once they are there, so those that are available should be used to their fullest extent.
1 Comment
Blog for Beginners
August 21, 2008 at 08:55You are right! Getting the traffic is the easy part, the other half of the battle is to turn them into your loyal followers.
Related post helps to engage them more, thus stay longer on your site.